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Winning the Regulation Asia Award for Excellence | FundApps

1 min
Posted on Dec 10 2021 by Liam Driscoll

Celebrate FundApps' Regulation Asia Awards for Excellence win for the second year running as a result of our compliance-as-a-service Shareholding Disclosure.

We're excited to announce that our automated Compliance-as-a-Service Shareholding Disclosure solution has been named The Best Solution - Shareholding Disclosure in the Regulation Asia Awards for Excellence 2021. 


The virtual awards ceremony of these prestigious awards took place on Thursday 9th December to recognise companies who ensure the highest compliance standards are upheld despite an ever-changing and increasingly complex regulatory landscape. FundApps celebrates being selected for the second year in a row for the Shareholding Disclosure category. 

Jessica Tjung, who heads up Business Development for FundApps in the Asia Pacific, commented:

“We are honoured to be recognised again for our contribution to help financial institutions comply with the challenges they face due to constantly changing regulations.” 

She added, “With compliance becoming a key focus area for APAC-based clients, it has prompted financial institutions to seek out solutions to help them mitigate the risks associated with their regulatory compliance monitoring and reporting.” 

FundApps’ Shareholding Disclosure service enables financial institutions around the world to automate their shareholding disclosure in over 100 jurisdictions where specific disclosures are required. For exampl.e when accumulating a substantial shareholding in an issuer or when engaging in short selling or owning an issuer subject to a takeover bid. Financial institutions face significant compliance challenges as there is no global standardisation of these rules enforced by the regulatory authorities.

To see how FundApps can help your firm save time and reduce operational risk get in touch.